Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Louboutin Nails with OPI Matte Top Coat

Today's nails are very simple, but classic. They're inspired by my Louboutins. I bought myself a pair of Very Prive 120s as a graduation present at the end of last year. I paid full Australian RRP because the classic styles are really hard to find overseas online, but I am so happy with them. I know it's hard to justify paying that much for a shoe just because it's a certain brand, but a) I'm a label whore and b) they're comfy (for 12cm heels), well-made and look freaking amazing.

I was also lucky enough to get my hands on a bottle of OPI's new Matte Top Coat for this mani. I've been dying to try a matte top coat for ages, but I never got around to actually buying Essie Matte About You, the one with the best reviews so far. Now that I've tried the OPI one I don't think I'll need to try any other brands. It dries in seconds and it has a really flat, matte finish. I know the matte look has been around for a while now but I love it. I don't know if I'll ever get sick of it!

A few tips for applying matte top coat that I've discovered while doing this mani:
  • The thing about matte top coats is that they show every imperfection in the nail, as you can see in the photos above. Next time I'll buff my nails and use a ridge-filling base coat. 
  • Matte top coats aren't as forgiving in terms of self-levelling as Seche Vite, so make sure you apply a nice thick coat. I found that it dried just as quickly as a thin coat, but without any patchiness.
  • I used two thick coats for this mani. I think it gives a smoother finish. I waited for the first coat to dry before applying the second.
  • It might even be worth trying the matte top coat over Seche Vite, after it has completely dried. This might help to get a smooth finish. I'll try it and update this post with the results.

Are you a fan of matte nails?


  1. Gorgeous! Definitely going to get myself the OPI matte top coat :)



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